It's finals week, the most horrid week of the semester. Everyone is feeling the stress and I'm definitely part of that category. I've been trying to study but I haven't been very productive, since I am currently blogging instead of studying for the final I have tomorrow morning. But can you blame me?
It snowed a lot the past week and the grounds were COVERED in snow, how could I concentrate on my studies when there were snowmen practically begging to be built and snow angels to make!? I just could not help myself, so instead of studying like normal people, me and my suitemate besties went out into the open field of snow to have our fun.
Being someone who has lived in Brooklyn all her life, I have never witnessed this much snow. EVER. The only snow I have been exposed to is the disgusting, dirty, brown, slushy snow my wonderful city provides me with. So seeing the beautiful blankets of snow, and white covered trees were really a treat for my eyes.
As we bundled up ourselves for some icy cold fun, I couldn't control myself! I was so ready to jump into the winter wonderland. When we were all ready, we all raced downstairs fully determined to build the most handsome snowman anyone has seen. Only to realize that the snow we had was way to powdery to even make a good snowball. My first snowball I attempted to make fell apart in seconds when I threw it at my friend. It was such a bummer! But then we proceeded into making penises in the snow to show our maturity. (: We then jumped into the snow to make snow angels, then realizing that it was going to a problem trying to get up. When we finally got up, we took in a deep breath and marveled at our creations.
It was a wonderful night with my girls and I'm really sad that we didn't really get a chance to bond until the end of the semester. But, it's better late than never, right? After the fun in the snow, the holiday festivities did not end. Sunday night, we all got together and made ourselves gingerbread houses. It was the first gingerbread house I've ever made, and I was quite proud of my creation. While constructing our houses, gluing it together with the some tasty frosting, we watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with Jim Carey. By the time we were done with our houses, we had our own little village in which we named Whosville, in honor of the movie of course.
Tis' a wonderful season, and a most joyous night. Unfortunately, the snow has started to melt and festivities have gone with it as we all now have to study extra hard for finals to make up for lost time.
...But it was totally worth it. (:
Rustiikkista, teollista ja huonekaluja
9 years ago