Stress has really been getting to me, I am in need of some serious down time or a really good massage.
Anyway! Halloween just passed and I cannot believe it's already NOVEMBER! It's insane, one minute I think everything is passing by so slowly, but the next it's already the end of the year. Well, I think it's safe to say that October was pretty good, even though the weather was kinda crappy...other than that, hopefully November will be better. And it should be because I have a a whole week off from school for Thanksgiving AND next weekend I should be taking a visit back home with my friend Skylar to do some media project. Quite excited for that!
I had a super eventful Halloween. I was Pocahontas this year! First time ever actually dressing up for Halloween. Thinking about my past Halloweens, the only thing I might have had on was a mask and whatever clothes to match with the mask. But this year, I had a full on costume. Not to be a conceited bitch or anything, but damn, I was HOT! It was such a perfect costume for me, I don't know how I'm going to be able to top that next year.

I was having the most stressful week ever, so when Halloween weekend came I was ready to get wasted. And that's EXACTLY what happened. I honestly did not even drink that much! At the party, I had like two beers and then my friend gave me these 2 shots of 101 proof rum. The rum was what hit the spot. Oooh man, it was amazing. I was SO drunk and acting incredibly stupid laughing at everything and myself. I broke my friend's chair while sitting and fell on the floor because I tripped on the part I broke. So yeah. I was a hot mess. Not classy whatsoever. My roommate made me walk back with her to the dorm to make sure I was okay, going up the stairs I got really out of breath. Made me think that I was really fat. Cool. When I was in the room and finally got changed, I ran next door to my suite mate to ask for another shot because I'm stupid. Thank God she didn't have any.
After drunk texting and dialing my friend, I was ready to fall asleep. But my stomach would not let me do I ran to the bathroom. TWICE. I haven't thrown up because of drinking in the longest time and it was disgusting. But I guess that meant I had a good time!
Me: No no, I wanted to get drunk and wasted out of my mind!
Roommate: Well, congratulations.
Yup, Congrats to me!
GOOD way to end October, eh?
Lucky you! Sounds like an awesome night and you look adorable, lovesit!