Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Books or No Books? That is the question.

I was just talking to my friend on AOL Instant Messenger, trying to persuade him into starting a blog of his own. He said that the only thing he would possibly write about are books, novels and such. I immediately thought that it was a great idea! Surprised by the fact that he actually read, I decided to ask him what he was currently reading. His answer? "Reading? lol I don't read." I was instantly confused. How was he supposed to blog about novels if he didn't read? He said that he only read about 20 books in his lifetime. Did that include those little "I can read" books they gave you in kindergarten?

He started to bring up a reasonable argument though. He said that he didn't think reading is necessary anymore. In a way, I can see where he is coming from. For what reason do people read novels nowadays? If you think about it, reading was only REALLY necessary when you were younger so that you didn't become illiterate. Now that we're older and know how to read, why should we read? What's the purpose of reading books? Even though I agreed with him, I argued that I still think books are quite entertaining and that I do enjoy a good read once in a while. His reply? "LOL! I love people like you. You definitely read on the bus or something, don't you."

Yeah! So what if I read on the train or bus!?
Maybe I honestly, and sincerely like to read for pleasure. Reading can be quite entertaining most of the time. I tried retaliating by saying that he shouldn't laugh at the people who read, telling him that they could be smarter than him. He, on the other hand just kept laughing, saying that those people read just to look like they are smarter. As we argued, he ended up telling me to admit that "I am not smarter than a 5th grader." Oh please.

I can honestly say that I may not be the brightest kid on the block. But I am most certainly NOT stupid! I really do enjoy a good read. I can proudly say that I usually bring a book with me wherever I go. It just saddens me that there are people that actually think reading as a joke. How ignorant can they be! Maybe it isn't necessary for us to read anymore, unless it's for assignments or newspapers... but reading novels can be entertaining too! That's why they're called pleasure readers. Is there anything wrong with people that like to read?!

Anyway. Besides that.
Random fact of the day- there is an old (because it has a lot of dots on it) orange ladybug flying around in my dorm room. It really creeped me out.
Random fact #2- Brad Pitt is SO hot in Fight Club. :D


  1. Your grammar like...died. I'm going to go edit my post about you to reflect your new grammar >_>...

  2. I love reading! Obviously reading would seem to be non-existent since the world is practically running on technolgy. It's up to us to keep reading alive! lol

  3. lol whats this nonsense i smeeel on this blog i get the feeling your calling that person ignorant and on a public blog nonetheless! well played +2 props if this was xanga though i am hurt so -2 in friendship

  4. I love reading on the train! Best way to avoid random creeps.

    And yes, AGREED. Brad Pitt is pretty much hot in everything he does.

  5. I agree; kinda sad about people now a days.
    I know a kid who likes to "diss" me.
    whats his way of humiliating me?

    "Go Read a Book"

    At least I CAN read a book, and enjoy one too. Kudos for your love of reading hun (:
