So, I've obviously been incredibly lazy. I wasn't going to admit how lazy I've been until Jon convinced me that we were BOTH lazy assholes.
Well, I think I'm back and hopefully I won't be as lazy starting NOW.
...okay. Not lazy anymore? Nope. Me sitting in my panties, in front of my laptop, mostly on facebook, doesn't exactly scream diligence, huh?
Anyway! I've started classes for about a week and a day now and I can already say that I fell on my ass about two times. Literally. On my ass. In the snow. (Yeah, it's snowing like a bitch up here!) I've also taken two Benadryl pills before a class without reading the box. Apparently, Benadryl makes you drowsy. Who knew? I went to chorus class completely out of it, I felt like I was drunk or high! I was barely able to follow the music.
However, I think I can honestly say that this semester won't be as bad as I thought it would be. Despite the freezing cold wind from Lake Eerie and stupid random snow storms, I should be alright! Everything is going pretty well. I'm enjoying my time back and I don't think I'm planning on going back home to Brooklyn anytime soon.
This means I will be missing out on this years' Chinese New Year activities. It's going to be the first year I won't be with my family for Chinese New year and I'm really upset about it. My whole family would always get together, get our red envelopes full of money, and go shopping. Then we'd come back with all our clothes and whatnot to a hearty Chinese New Year meal with everyone sitting around each other, eating and laughing, and playing mah jong.
Since I won't physically be there for the new year family dinner, I made my cousin promise me that she'll bring her macbook and ivideochat with me during the dinner. Is this a silly idea? I think not! I thought it was quite genius of me. So now, I'd be able to see everyone, and the food, and I guess my brother can be nice enough to flash me my red envelopes full of money.
On a brighter note: My birthday is this month! YAY!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, December 14, 2009
Finals & Snow!
It's finals week, the most horrid week of the semester. Everyone is feeling the stress and I'm definitely part of that category. I've been trying to study but I haven't been very productive, since I am currently blogging instead of studying for the final I have tomorrow morning. But can you blame me?
It snowed a lot the past week and the grounds were COVERED in snow, how could I concentrate on my studies when there were snowmen practically begging to be built and snow angels to make!? I just could not help myself, so instead of studying like normal people, me and my suitemate besties went out into the open field of snow to have our fun.
Being someone who has lived in Brooklyn all her life, I have never witnessed this much snow. EVER. The only snow I have been exposed to is the disgusting, dirty, brown, slushy snow my wonderful city provides me with. So seeing the beautiful blankets of snow, and white covered trees were really a treat for my eyes.
As we bundled up ourselves for some icy cold fun, I couldn't control myself! I was so ready to jump into the winter wonderland. When we were all ready, we all raced downstairs fully determined to build the most handsome snowman anyone has seen. Only to realize that the snow we had was way to powdery to even make a good snowball. My first snowball I attempted to make fell apart in seconds when I threw it at my friend. It was such a bummer! But then we proceeded into making penises in the snow to show our maturity. (: We then jumped into the snow to make snow angels, then realizing that it was going to a problem trying to get up. When we finally got up, we took in a deep breath and marveled at our creations.
It was a wonderful night with my girls and I'm really sad that we didn't really get a chance to bond until the end of the semester. But, it's better late than never, right? After the fun in the snow, the holiday festivities did not end. Sunday night, we all got together and made ourselves gingerbread houses. It was the first gingerbread house I've ever made, and I was quite proud of my creation. While constructing our houses, gluing it together with the some tasty frosting, we watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with Jim Carey. By the time we were done with our houses, we had our own little village in which we named Whosville, in honor of the movie of course.
Tis' a wonderful season, and a most joyous night. Unfortunately, the snow has started to melt and festivities have gone with it as we all now have to study extra hard for finals to make up for lost time.
...But it was totally worth it. (:
It snowed a lot the past week and the grounds were COVERED in snow, how could I concentrate on my studies when there were snowmen practically begging to be built and snow angels to make!? I just could not help myself, so instead of studying like normal people, me and my suitemate besties went out into the open field of snow to have our fun.
Being someone who has lived in Brooklyn all her life, I have never witnessed this much snow. EVER. The only snow I have been exposed to is the disgusting, dirty, brown, slushy snow my wonderful city provides me with. So seeing the beautiful blankets of snow, and white covered trees were really a treat for my eyes.
As we bundled up ourselves for some icy cold fun, I couldn't control myself! I was so ready to jump into the winter wonderland. When we were all ready, we all raced downstairs fully determined to build the most handsome snowman anyone has seen. Only to realize that the snow we had was way to powdery to even make a good snowball. My first snowball I attempted to make fell apart in seconds when I threw it at my friend. It was such a bummer! But then we proceeded into making penises in the snow to show our maturity. (: We then jumped into the snow to make snow angels, then realizing that it was going to a problem trying to get up. When we finally got up, we took in a deep breath and marveled at our creations.
It was a wonderful night with my girls and I'm really sad that we didn't really get a chance to bond until the end of the semester. But, it's better late than never, right? After the fun in the snow, the holiday festivities did not end. Sunday night, we all got together and made ourselves gingerbread houses. It was the first gingerbread house I've ever made, and I was quite proud of my creation. While constructing our houses, gluing it together with the some tasty frosting, we watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with Jim Carey. By the time we were done with our houses, we had our own little village in which we named Whosville, in honor of the movie of course.
Tis' a wonderful season, and a most joyous night. Unfortunately, the snow has started to melt and festivities have gone with it as we all now have to study extra hard for finals to make up for lost time.
...But it was totally worth it. (:
Gingerbread houses,
Handsome Snowmen,
Snow Angels,
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Procrastinating is probably one of my favorite things to do. I had about three projects that I think I needed to do over the break, but I ended up not doing any of them. Now that I'm back on campus, I'm trying to finish all of it...and yet, I'm here on Blog spot updating. So much for being productive!
Anyway, I really hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I had an amazing time with family and friends during my break and they were definitely unforgettable. I won't go into much detail, but I am actually quite thankful that Thanksgiving is over. Now, BRING ON THE CHRISTMAS!
Speaking of Christmas, my wonderful roomie bought me a christmas present! She wanted to hide it from me. But I spotted the Christmas bag in her closet with a Starbucks Via Instant coffee attached to it, so I knew it was mine - being a coffee addict and all. She was determined to keep it away from me until we had to leave for winter break, but I somehow tempted her into giving it to me early, and I also wanted to know what it was. So I opened up my first Christmas present this year and LOVED it. I really adore my roommate, she's the sweetest.
Going to try to be productive now. Wish me luck!
Anyway, I really hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I had an amazing time with family and friends during my break and they were definitely unforgettable. I won't go into much detail, but I am actually quite thankful that Thanksgiving is over. Now, BRING ON THE CHRISTMAS!
Speaking of Christmas, my wonderful roomie bought me a christmas present! She wanted to hide it from me. But I spotted the Christmas bag in her closet with a Starbucks Via Instant coffee attached to it, so I knew it was mine - being a coffee addict and all. She was determined to keep it away from me until we had to leave for winter break, but I somehow tempted her into giving it to me early, and I also wanted to know what it was. So I opened up my first Christmas present this year and LOVED it. I really adore my roommate, she's the sweetest.
Going to try to be productive now. Wish me luck!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Little Bastards.
Little bugs are all over the place. No big deal right? Until the freakin' things reach the size of your hand!
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little here but just last week I was in Buffalo in my friend's dorm. We're just hanging out, having girl talk, looking at the latest fashion trends when suddenly..."Ohmygod, cockroach. On your chair!" Following that was a series of very loud screaming from four girls at 6 in the morning.
Generally, cockroaches will not cause me to scream that way. I see normal cockroaches quite often and although I can admit that I would still run away from them...I would not scream out like I did that night. However, this little fucker was HUGE. The biggest cockroach I have ever seen, crawling at an amazingly fast pace, onto the wall and up on the ceiling. Honestly, I was scared shitless.
I really looked like that. Except, I'm not a cat. And instead of a stool, I was on the bed... and then I ran into the bathroom and stayed sitting by the sink...and it wasn't a mouse. But those are just minor details. Anyway, as I was saying. I was scared shitless and literally was not able to move. I must have screamed a hundred times because I just could not believe the speed that thing was moving at, and the size of it! I have never seen a cockroach that big EVER! Like what the hell was that?! Crawling at the speed of light over our beds?! Ugh, I would show you guys a picture of that ugly thing, but I don't want anyone to throw up on their laptops. Because I almost did when I decided to search for a picture. It took us about two hours to get it killed. It ran away and hid from us like a thousand times, but we wouldn't have been able to sleep without knowing it was dead. Didn't sleep till 8am. What a fun night.
About a month ago in my OWN dorm, my roommate found this huge beetle. It was the oddest thing we have ever seen and once again, we screamed for our dear lives! This big beetle was on our coffee maker, and we lost it for about 20 minutes. When we found it, the sneaky thing hid INSIDE the coffee maker, like where the pot is placed. Once again, scared shitless. But we finally got rid of it. For the next few days I felt itchy everywhere, it was so uncomfortable.
What is up with these suburban bugs? Why the hell are they so unnecessarily HUGE!? There is absolutely NO reason they should be that big ever. We're just lucky they were only bugs, and not mice. I do not even know what I would do if there was a mouse in our room. I think I'd die.
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little here but just last week I was in Buffalo in my friend's dorm. We're just hanging out, having girl talk, looking at the latest fashion trends when suddenly..."Ohmygod, cockroach. On your chair!" Following that was a series of very loud screaming from four girls at 6 in the morning.
Generally, cockroaches will not cause me to scream that way. I see normal cockroaches quite often and although I can admit that I would still run away from them...I would not scream out like I did that night. However, this little fucker was HUGE. The biggest cockroach I have ever seen, crawling at an amazingly fast pace, onto the wall and up on the ceiling. Honestly, I was scared shitless.

About a month ago in my OWN dorm, my roommate found this huge beetle. It was the oddest thing we have ever seen and once again, we screamed for our dear lives! This big beetle was on our coffee maker, and we lost it for about 20 minutes. When we found it, the sneaky thing hid INSIDE the coffee maker, like where the pot is placed. Once again, scared shitless. But we finally got rid of it. For the next few days I felt itchy everywhere, it was so uncomfortable.
What is up with these suburban bugs? Why the hell are they so unnecessarily HUGE!? There is absolutely NO reason they should be that big ever. We're just lucky they were only bugs, and not mice. I do not even know what I would do if there was a mouse in our room. I think I'd die.
Cat On Stool,
Fucking BIG Bugs,
Scared Shitless
Monday, November 2, 2009
I've been super lazy and haven't been updating, but I will update now since I have some time.
Stress has really been getting to me, I am in need of some serious down time or a really good massage.
Anyway! Halloween just passed and I cannot believe it's already NOVEMBER! It's insane, one minute I think everything is passing by so slowly, but the next it's already the end of the year. Well, I think it's safe to say that October was pretty good, even though the weather was kinda crappy...other than that, hopefully November will be better. And it should be because I have a a whole week off from school for Thanksgiving AND next weekend I should be taking a visit back home with my friend Skylar to do some media project. Quite excited for that!
I had a super eventful Halloween. I was Pocahontas this year! First time ever actually dressing up for Halloween. Thinking about my past Halloweens, the only thing I might have had on was a mask and whatever clothes to match with the mask. But this year, I had a full on costume. Not to be a conceited bitch or anything, but damn, I was HOT! It was such a perfect costume for me, I don't know how I'm going to be able to top that next year.

I LOVE us.
I was having the most stressful week ever, so when Halloween weekend came I was ready to get wasted. And that's EXACTLY what happened. I honestly did not even drink that much! At the party, I had like two beers and then my friend gave me these 2 shots of 101 proof rum. The rum was what hit the spot. Oooh man, it was amazing. I was SO drunk and acting incredibly stupid laughing at everything and myself. I broke my friend's chair while sitting and fell on the floor because I tripped on the part I broke. So yeah. I was a hot mess. Not classy whatsoever. My roommate made me walk back with her to the dorm to make sure I was okay, going up the stairs I got really out of breath. Made me think that I was really fat. Cool. When I was in the room and finally got changed, I ran next door to my suite mate to ask for another shot because I'm stupid. Thank God she didn't have any.
After drunk texting and dialing my friend, I was ready to fall asleep. But my stomach would not let me do I ran to the bathroom. TWICE. I haven't thrown up because of drinking in the longest time and it was disgusting. But I guess that meant I had a good time!
Me: No no, I wanted to get drunk and wasted out of my mind!
Roommate: Well, congratulations.
Yup, Congrats to me!
GOOD way to end October, eh?
Stress has really been getting to me, I am in need of some serious down time or a really good massage.
Anyway! Halloween just passed and I cannot believe it's already NOVEMBER! It's insane, one minute I think everything is passing by so slowly, but the next it's already the end of the year. Well, I think it's safe to say that October was pretty good, even though the weather was kinda crappy...other than that, hopefully November will be better. And it should be because I have a a whole week off from school for Thanksgiving AND next weekend I should be taking a visit back home with my friend Skylar to do some media project. Quite excited for that!
I had a super eventful Halloween. I was Pocahontas this year! First time ever actually dressing up for Halloween. Thinking about my past Halloweens, the only thing I might have had on was a mask and whatever clothes to match with the mask. But this year, I had a full on costume. Not to be a conceited bitch or anything, but damn, I was HOT! It was such a perfect costume for me, I don't know how I'm going to be able to top that next year.

I was having the most stressful week ever, so when Halloween weekend came I was ready to get wasted. And that's EXACTLY what happened. I honestly did not even drink that much! At the party, I had like two beers and then my friend gave me these 2 shots of 101 proof rum. The rum was what hit the spot. Oooh man, it was amazing. I was SO drunk and acting incredibly stupid laughing at everything and myself. I broke my friend's chair while sitting and fell on the floor because I tripped on the part I broke. So yeah. I was a hot mess. Not classy whatsoever. My roommate made me walk back with her to the dorm to make sure I was okay, going up the stairs I got really out of breath. Made me think that I was really fat. Cool. When I was in the room and finally got changed, I ran next door to my suite mate to ask for another shot because I'm stupid. Thank God she didn't have any.
After drunk texting and dialing my friend, I was ready to fall asleep. But my stomach would not let me do I ran to the bathroom. TWICE. I haven't thrown up because of drinking in the longest time and it was disgusting. But I guess that meant I had a good time!
Me: No no, I wanted to get drunk and wasted out of my mind!
Roommate: Well, congratulations.
Yup, Congrats to me!
GOOD way to end October, eh?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Waiting and Waiting...
In Buffalo, visiting friends. About to go party...buuuut they're taking forever to get ready! At least we all look hot (; -- slut dancing anyone? Hahah
Random Short Ones,
Slut Dancing
Monday, October 19, 2009
Music & Love
Instead of going to a crazy wild party and slut dancing at Sunny's, I went to my room mate's concert Saturday night. And it was well worth it! (I never liked slut dancing
I was so happy that I decided to go to this concert. The orchestra played the most beautiful music and it left me flabbergasted by how amazingly talented our school is. It almost brought tears to my eyes while listening. The first piece they played was called Carnival composed by Dvojak (spelling?). Most amazing piece I have ever heard. The first note they played made my mouth drop! I couldn't at all explain how I felt the SECOND I heard them play. All I was able to say was "wow".
I was on the verge of crying because watching everyone up on the stage playing music made me really miss music. I used to be a part of the musicals and I used to be up on that stage singing and dancing my ass off! I used to complain to my friends about how I never had time for anything because rehearsals took up ALL of my time. Watching the performance made me really think of how much I loved what I did, and it made me realize how little I'm doing now in college. What am I doing with myself!? I expected myself to be much more involved on campus, but I'm not! I guess it had to do with me deciding to be lazy the first semester, but why did I decide that? Why am I allowing myself to rot away on campus? Jeez. This sucks.
But what also brought the tears to my eyes was the fact that the whole orchestra on stage really loved what they were doing, being music majors and all. Otherwise, they wouldn't be slaving off every last minute of their lives rehearsing. One person I want to point out is my room mate Jenna. She is so dedicated to her love for music. As me and her boyfriend sat in the audience Saturday night, watching her fiddle with her clarinet (she had to keep changing keys), we agreed that we didn't think we knew anyone, including ourselves, who loves music as much as she does. There is nothing at all we love that can compare to how much she loves music. She is literally practicing every minute she can, dedicating her life to music. She's in the University choir, SECOND chair in the Wind Ensemble, and she's in the orchestra. She might even be in some mysterious secret society for music players on campus that I don't know about because she is constantly not in the room! Her poor calendar is always full and I really wish she could take a chill pill, or smoke some "you know" to calm down. But I know she won't. She loves music and won't smoke anything that might affect her playing. I honestly admire her for loving music so much. I love it too, but I don't know how I would be able to stand it if I had her kind of schedule. Jenna Witterman, YOU are my hero<3.
Anyway, going to the concert was definitely the best decision I have made on campus. I would trade a crazy night out and slut dancing ANYTIME to hear wonderfully beautiful music.
I was so happy that I decided to go to this concert. The orchestra played the most beautiful music and it left me flabbergasted by how amazingly talented our school is. It almost brought tears to my eyes while listening. The first piece they played was called Carnival composed by Dvojak (spelling?). Most amazing piece I have ever heard. The first note they played made my mouth drop! I couldn't at all explain how I felt the SECOND I heard them play. All I was able to say was "wow".
I was on the verge of crying because watching everyone up on the stage playing music made me really miss music. I used to be a part of the musicals and I used to be up on that stage singing and dancing my ass off! I used to complain to my friends about how I never had time for anything because rehearsals took up ALL of my time. Watching the performance made me really think of how much I loved what I did, and it made me realize how little I'm doing now in college. What am I doing with myself!? I expected myself to be much more involved on campus, but I'm not! I guess it had to do with me deciding to be lazy the first semester, but why did I decide that? Why am I allowing myself to rot away on campus? Jeez. This sucks.
But what also brought the tears to my eyes was the fact that the whole orchestra on stage really loved what they were doing, being music majors and all. Otherwise, they wouldn't be slaving off every last minute of their lives rehearsing. One person I want to point out is my room mate Jenna. She is so dedicated to her love for music. As me and her boyfriend sat in the audience Saturday night, watching her fiddle with her clarinet (she had to keep changing keys), we agreed that we didn't think we knew anyone, including ourselves, who loves music as much as she does. There is nothing at all we love that can compare to how much she loves music. She is literally practicing every minute she can, dedicating her life to music. She's in the University choir, SECOND chair in the Wind Ensemble, and she's in the orchestra. She might even be in some mysterious secret society for music players on campus that I don't know about because she is constantly not in the room! Her poor calendar is always full and I really wish she could take a chill pill, or smoke some "you know" to calm down. But I know she won't. She loves music and won't smoke anything that might affect her playing. I honestly admire her for loving music so much. I love it too, but I don't know how I would be able to stand it if I had her kind of schedule. Jenna Witterman, YOU are my hero<3.
Anyway, going to the concert was definitely the best decision I have made on campus. I would trade a crazy night out and slut dancing ANYTIME to hear wonderfully beautiful music.
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