So, I'm on my way back to Fredonia, it's going to be a joyful 8-9 hour bus ride. Yay. I'm excited to go back, but I was also really reluctant to leave. Seriously, there is nothing like the city. While waiting in line to get onto that big double decker bus, the weather was just AMAZING. I love pretty days in New York City, nothing can compare!
Although, I must say one thing I did not really miss were the pigeons. Holy shit, for some reason they were flying SO LOW. I really don't remember them flying so low. Literally, every single pigeon was right above my head. The dirty things were just swooping down like nothing! Fucking birds. Aren't they supposed to migrating now or something? Go fly South already!! (nevermind, I almost forgot that pigeons are here all year round. Shit.)
I'm actually on the bus right now. It's pretty great that they have wifi on the bus, that's one good thing about Megabus, even if it's really crappy wifi. It works sometimes. When we accept the terms and conditions for the wifi on the bus, they make sure we understand the tiny font they provide us with that the internet may get disconnected at ANY moment. So therefore, this blog will be short, just in case it won't save.
Anyway, now that I'm on my way I'm pretty excited. I miss my college buddies and I'm dying to start those parties schoolwork...I guess. Probably gonna start some leftover homework right now since I have about five hours on the bus before we take a pit stop at Syracuse. Ahhh, torture!
Fredonia here I come!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Happy Birthday to Larelle
It's my suite mate's 18th birthday today! You can finally start buying your own cigarettes, haha! (; I'm really sad that none of us are back on campus to celebrate, but I'm sureeee we'll do something to celebrate once we get back.
First off, I want to say that I ADORE you so much. I've only known you for five weeks, but seriously, I am so happy that we're friends. I'm so glad that you and Lindsay are the only decent and normal people in the suite. And I just love you so much :). YOU need to start your own little facebook so we can finally tag you in these cute cute pictures of us.

The pretty blonde one is Larelle :)
Girllll, I totally love you! You are the sweetest and the greatest, even though you totally feed my smoking addiction. And you jumped on me when we were both obnoxiously drunk. But I still love you<3 hahaha! I always have lotss of fun talking to you and I want you to know that if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm right next door! Yay! I hope you have an amazing birthday full of a million birthday surprises (; And you better be reading this! I'll make sure of it by shooting you a text in the morning. LOVE YA BABE!
It's my suite mate's 18th birthday today! You can finally start buying your own cigarettes, haha! (; I'm really sad that none of us are back on campus to celebrate, but I'm sureeee we'll do something to celebrate once we get back.
First off, I want to say that I ADORE you so much. I've only known you for five weeks, but seriously, I am so happy that we're friends. I'm so glad that you and Lindsay are the only decent and normal people in the suite. And I just love you so much :). YOU need to start your own little facebook so we can finally tag you in these cute cute pictures of us.

Girllll, I totally love you! You are the sweetest and the greatest, even though you totally feed my smoking addiction. And you jumped on me when we were both obnoxiously drunk. But I still love you<3 hahaha! I always have lotss of fun talking to you and I want you to know that if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm right next door! Yay! I hope you have an amazing birthday full of a million birthday surprises (; And you better be reading this! I'll make sure of it by shooting you a text in the morning. LOVE YA BABE!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Welcome back, to me!
After five weeks of being totally out of touch with the city, I am FINALLY back! WHOOO HOOO!
As you can tell, I'm super excited to be back! Friday morning, I took a bus to Buffalo from Fredonia. Then from Buffalo, I got on the New York bound MegaBus. The bus was supposed to arrive at 2:15pm. It came at like 2:40, how fucking LAME. What was MORE lame, is that the bus was late getting to everywhere else. On the bus ticket, it said that I would arrive in New York by 10:00 that night. However, that was not the case. Since the bus was super late, my arrival was well overdue by an hour. Thanks Megabus, for the major delay. Totally UNappreciated.
Anyway, at least I made it back. I guess that's all that counts. When the bus finally drove out of total darkness and into bright city lights, I was about to jump out of my seat! I recognized everything and knew where I was. But, I have to admit. When I stepped off of that bus and started walking and rolling my mini suitcase, I felt a bit awkward. It was weird that I was finally back. I mean, I loved it, but it was kinda of weird. Obviously, it was because I haven't been back in the city for five weeks. After seeing trees, green grass, and really clean floors everywhere, it has to be a little weird coming back, ya know? And I totally forgot how to walk around in the city. Also, the fact that I was rolling around a suitcase... not so fun.
I rolled over to the D train station and had to carry my suitcase down the million flight of stairs. It felt like torture, but I was really excited to get onto the train. I never thought I'd ever say this, but I actually missed the smelly, dirty, train stations. Hard to believe, but 100% true. Underground, it was surprisingly hot. Either it was just really hot, or I was just having a really hard time handling my luggage. Anyway, the train came and I stood the whole way back to Brooklyn. Mostly because my ass was numb from sitting 10 hours on the bus. Once in Brooklyn, my three dude friends came to pick me up! How kind of them, hmm? I promised them I'd go have a late night dinner with them, so we went to our usual.
Vegas diner is only two blocks away from my house. It's a 24/7 diner, always open, and it's always there when you want a good breakfast or if you're bored. I've been going to that diner since 5th grade. The food isn't the best, but I have so many great memories there that I can't ever abandon that diner. It was a tradition to go there after every show with my same three dude friends and now we're probably gonna make it a tradition to go whenever we're back from school. At the diner, Jon took my phone and did his usual search. Ever since this one night, he has made it a ritual to check my phone for stupid, funny, and sometimes naughty text messages. He's such a jerk for that. :) In addition to that, his other ritual is to send one of my girl friends a dumb text. Last night's text message included "I am naked. I love you when I'm naked". Thanks, Jon. Anyway, we ordered food and ate... well they ate. I thought I would be starving, but when I got my food, I couldn't eat any of it. I just could not eat. I don't know if it was because all three of them (Jon, Morgan, and Kevin) told me that I had gained weight, or that I couldn't just eat. I told them that I just couldn't eat, and they said it was because of my cigarettes and gave me a whole lecture on me smoking. Those hypocrites. In the end, my dinner totally went to waste. Oh well. Vegas diner will always be there, I didn't even have pay! It's so lucky being girl.
Today, I took my beloved D train to Broadway Lafayette (SOHO), met up with my amazing best friends Abigail and Phil, and did some shopping! Oh god, you don't understand the excitement I felt while walking around and shopping. In Fredonia, it's impossible to shop, the nearest convenience store is four miles away. You don't want to walk anywhere. Meanwhile, in the city, I would walk everywhere, and it would never feel like I walked that far. It was just such a great day :). I missed this great big city so much.
After shopping, Abby and I went on the train. Silly me decided to sit down. I say silly because I picked the worst seat ever. It was the two seater that's next to the window. In front of us would be the three seaters. This creepy old chick with a slight mustache was sleeping and literally about to fall. Her head would be propped up against the wall and then all of a sudden, her head would be slipping off to the right. She would have fallen right on me! But right before she touched me, she would bring her head back up...then fall again. Seriously, there were times where she was really getting a little too close to me. It was scary :[. But, hey. That's New York, huh? Me and Abby really wanted to just wake her up, but decided that that would have been rude. But she just kept getting closer and closer. So I just slightly tapped her with my shopping bag. I had to do it!
When I got back home, we had a whole feast! We had lobster, this yummy beef dish, veggies, and chicken. Home cooked food is the greatest! And then, washed it down with a beer (yeah, my family lets me drink :]). YUMMM.
Such a nice day. I might have trouble leaving on Tuesday. I'm not going to want to!
As you can tell, I'm super excited to be back! Friday morning, I took a bus to Buffalo from Fredonia. Then from Buffalo, I got on the New York bound MegaBus. The bus was supposed to arrive at 2:15pm. It came at like 2:40, how fucking LAME. What was MORE lame, is that the bus was late getting to everywhere else. On the bus ticket, it said that I would arrive in New York by 10:00 that night. However, that was not the case. Since the bus was super late, my arrival was well overdue by an hour. Thanks Megabus, for the major delay. Totally UNappreciated.
Anyway, at least I made it back. I guess that's all that counts. When the bus finally drove out of total darkness and into bright city lights, I was about to jump out of my seat! I recognized everything and knew where I was. But, I have to admit. When I stepped off of that bus and started walking and rolling my mini suitcase, I felt a bit awkward. It was weird that I was finally back. I mean, I loved it, but it was kinda of weird. Obviously, it was because I haven't been back in the city for five weeks. After seeing trees, green grass, and really clean floors everywhere, it has to be a little weird coming back, ya know? And I totally forgot how to walk around in the city. Also, the fact that I was rolling around a suitcase... not so fun.
I rolled over to the D train station and had to carry my suitcase down the million flight of stairs. It felt like torture, but I was really excited to get onto the train. I never thought I'd ever say this, but I actually missed the smelly, dirty, train stations. Hard to believe, but 100% true. Underground, it was surprisingly hot. Either it was just really hot, or I was just having a really hard time handling my luggage. Anyway, the train came and I stood the whole way back to Brooklyn. Mostly because my ass was numb from sitting 10 hours on the bus. Once in Brooklyn, my three dude friends came to pick me up! How kind of them, hmm? I promised them I'd go have a late night dinner with them, so we went to our usual.
Vegas diner is only two blocks away from my house. It's a 24/7 diner, always open, and it's always there when you want a good breakfast or if you're bored. I've been going to that diner since 5th grade. The food isn't the best, but I have so many great memories there that I can't ever abandon that diner. It was a tradition to go there after every show with my same three dude friends and now we're probably gonna make it a tradition to go whenever we're back from school. At the diner, Jon took my phone and did his usual search. Ever since this one night, he has made it a ritual to check my phone for stupid, funny, and sometimes naughty text messages. He's such a jerk for that. :) In addition to that, his other ritual is to send one of my girl friends a dumb text. Last night's text message included "I am naked. I love you when I'm naked". Thanks, Jon. Anyway, we ordered food and ate... well they ate. I thought I would be starving, but when I got my food, I couldn't eat any of it. I just could not eat. I don't know if it was because all three of them (Jon, Morgan, and Kevin) told me that I had gained weight, or that I couldn't just eat. I told them that I just couldn't eat, and they said it was because of my cigarettes and gave me a whole lecture on me smoking. Those hypocrites. In the end, my dinner totally went to waste. Oh well. Vegas diner will always be there, I didn't even have pay! It's so lucky being girl.
Today, I took my beloved D train to Broadway Lafayette (SOHO), met up with my amazing best friends Abigail and Phil, and did some shopping! Oh god, you don't understand the excitement I felt while walking around and shopping. In Fredonia, it's impossible to shop, the nearest convenience store is four miles away. You don't want to walk anywhere. Meanwhile, in the city, I would walk everywhere, and it would never feel like I walked that far. It was just such a great day :). I missed this great big city so much.
After shopping, Abby and I went on the train. Silly me decided to sit down. I say silly because I picked the worst seat ever. It was the two seater that's next to the window. In front of us would be the three seaters. This creepy old chick with a slight mustache was sleeping and literally about to fall. Her head would be propped up against the wall and then all of a sudden, her head would be slipping off to the right. She would have fallen right on me! But right before she touched me, she would bring her head back up...then fall again. Seriously, there were times where she was really getting a little too close to me. It was scary :[. But, hey. That's New York, huh? Me and Abby really wanted to just wake her up, but decided that that would have been rude. But she just kept getting closer and closer. So I just slightly tapped her with my shopping bag. I had to do it!
When I got back home, we had a whole feast! We had lobster, this yummy beef dish, veggies, and chicken. Home cooked food is the greatest! And then, washed it down with a beer (yeah, my family lets me drink :]). YUMMM.
Such a nice day. I might have trouble leaving on Tuesday. I'm not going to want to!
Lame Megabus,
New York City,
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Toilet Talk
Earlier this week, I made my way to the bathroom for my daily routine (tee hees). I walked into my usual stall and took a seat. When I looked up, I noticed this pink 8 x 11 sheet of paper that was not there the day before. On this flier were upcoming events at Fredonia and little get togethers in my hall. Pizza parties, new games that they bought for us like a Wii fitness, Apples to Apples, and Taboo. Since it's the month of September, they listed some interesting facts that occurred or occurs in September. Facts like September 15, 1999 was the first and only day Disney World was closed or how September is National rice month, Latino month, and that the most snakes are born during this time (Actually, August is first place, then comes September).
This piece of paper was labeled "Toilet Talk : The paper that keeps you occupied while you're occupied." I thought this was quite a clever idea. I laughed at how it was a paper that kept you occupied while you were in there. And the thing is, it really DOES keep you occupied! I realized that since that day, every time I stepped foot into my bathroom stall, my eyes go directly to that same piece of paper. I would read those same few September facts over again for the hundredth time. It's like a drug you can't stay away from, it's right in your face. Damn, that piece of paper really keeps you occupied!
It's possible that maybe the flier isn't doing it's full complete job. Fliers generally try to get you interested, they try to persuade and inform you about meetings. But, will I be attending those hall gatherings? Probably not. Do I want to have pizza with my RAs? Not really. However, the fact that I actually read it a hundred times over when I'm in there... I think "Toilet Talk" deserves an applause.
So, touche, Toilet Talk. Until our next encounter. c(:
This piece of paper was labeled "Toilet Talk : The paper that keeps you occupied while you're occupied." I thought this was quite a clever idea. I laughed at how it was a paper that kept you occupied while you were in there. And the thing is, it really DOES keep you occupied! I realized that since that day, every time I stepped foot into my bathroom stall, my eyes go directly to that same piece of paper. I would read those same few September facts over again for the hundredth time. It's like a drug you can't stay away from, it's right in your face. Damn, that piece of paper really keeps you occupied!
It's possible that maybe the flier isn't doing it's full complete job. Fliers generally try to get you interested, they try to persuade and inform you about meetings. But, will I be attending those hall gatherings? Probably not. Do I want to have pizza with my RAs? Not really. However, the fact that I actually read it a hundred times over when I'm in there... I think "Toilet Talk" deserves an applause.
So, touche, Toilet Talk. Until our next encounter. c(:
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Books or No Books? That is the question.
I was just talking to my friend on AOL Instant Messenger, trying to persuade him into starting a blog of his own. He said that the only thing he would possibly write about are books, novels and such. I immediately thought that it was a great idea! Surprised by the fact that he actually read, I decided to ask him what he was currently reading. His answer? "Reading? lol I don't read." I was instantly confused. How was he supposed to blog about novels if he didn't read? He said that he only read about 20 books in his lifetime. Did that include those little "I can read" books they gave you in kindergarten?
He started to bring up a reasonable argument though. He said that he didn't think reading is necessary anymore. In a way, I can see where he is coming from. For what reason do people read novels nowadays? If you think about it, reading was only REALLY necessary when you were younger so that you didn't become illiterate. Now that we're older and know how to read, why should we read? What's the purpose of reading books? Even though I agreed with him, I argued that I still think books are quite entertaining and that I do enjoy a good read once in a while. His reply? "LOL! I love people like you. You definitely read on the bus or something, don't you."
Yeah! So what if I read on the train or bus!?
Maybe I honestly, and sincerely like to read for pleasure. Reading can be quite entertaining most of the time. I tried retaliating by saying that he shouldn't laugh at the people who read, telling him that they could be smarter than him. He, on the other hand just kept laughing, saying that those people read just to look like they are smarter. As we argued, he ended up telling me to admit that "I am not smarter than a 5th grader." Oh please.
I can honestly say that I may not be the brightest kid on the block. But I am most certainly NOT stupid! I really do enjoy a good read. I can proudly say that I usually bring a book with me wherever I go. It just saddens me that there are people that actually think reading as a joke. How ignorant can they be! Maybe it isn't necessary for us to read anymore, unless it's for assignments or newspapers... but reading novels can be entertaining too! That's why they're called pleasure readers. Is there anything wrong with people that like to read?!
Anyway. Besides that.
Random fact of the day- there is an old (because it has a lot of dots on it) orange ladybug flying around in my dorm room. It really creeped me out.
Random fact #2- Brad Pitt is SO hot in Fight Club. :D
He started to bring up a reasonable argument though. He said that he didn't think reading is necessary anymore. In a way, I can see where he is coming from. For what reason do people read novels nowadays? If you think about it, reading was only REALLY necessary when you were younger so that you didn't become illiterate. Now that we're older and know how to read, why should we read? What's the purpose of reading books? Even though I agreed with him, I argued that I still think books are quite entertaining and that I do enjoy a good read once in a while. His reply? "LOL! I love people like you. You definitely read on the bus or something, don't you."
Yeah! So what if I read on the train or bus!?
Maybe I honestly, and sincerely like to read for pleasure. Reading can be quite entertaining most of the time. I tried retaliating by saying that he shouldn't laugh at the people who read, telling him that they could be smarter than him. He, on the other hand just kept laughing, saying that those people read just to look like they are smarter. As we argued, he ended up telling me to admit that "I am not smarter than a 5th grader." Oh please.
I can honestly say that I may not be the brightest kid on the block. But I am most certainly NOT stupid! I really do enjoy a good read. I can proudly say that I usually bring a book with me wherever I go. It just saddens me that there are people that actually think reading as a joke. How ignorant can they be! Maybe it isn't necessary for us to read anymore, unless it's for assignments or newspapers... but reading novels can be entertaining too! That's why they're called pleasure readers. Is there anything wrong with people that like to read?!
Anyway. Besides that.
Random fact of the day- there is an old (because it has a lot of dots on it) orange ladybug flying around in my dorm room. It really creeped me out.
Random fact #2- Brad Pitt is SO hot in Fight Club. :D
Chalking up the Basketball Court
It's been about five weeks since I moved to Fredonia. I am seriously loving life on campus, I'm having so much fun with this new found freedom I have. I do miss the city though... that's one thing I can't seem to stand. It is SO different from the city. So much quieter, and darker. It's beautiful, but so weird at the same time. Nonetheless, I love it. Been doing a lot of new things, but I think something that I enjoyed the most (other than the occasional parties and drinking) was when me and my friend Christina decided to chalk up the basketball court!
So, there's this tiny basketball court located behind my dorm building. Guys are seen playing on it all the time, and I pass by it ALL the time. Every single time me and Christina walk that way, we always say that we need to chalk it up. Just so you guys know, Christina is a five year old at heart. She brought her chalk, crayons, and Hello Kitty coloring books to college. I love her. Best friend at college-- definitely! Anyway. We told ourselves that we were going to chalk it up for about a week. Then finally, we pinky sweared on it. We picked a pretty nice day to draw on the court. Making sure no one was there, we skipped our way over there. Chalk in one hand, cigarette in the other, we were so excited to start drawing! Christina picked her spot and started drawing flowers. I attempted to draw this little tattoo design I always drew in my notes that also consisted of a bunch of flowers and squiggly lines. While we drew, we both knew people were staring at us. Some probably thought that we were complete idiots, while some actually joined us! My friend Mike came to meet us and picked a spot of his own for some graffiti work. He got really into it, shading and blending in the colors. He's an art major, if you didn't know already. More and more people joined, the court was looking great! I ended up drawing a bunch of flowers and swirls, an apple tree with pink apples, and a sun. The sun was probably my favorite because I learned from the art major and actually blended in the colors to make a really pretty sun. I was very proud of myself.
The whole time sitting on that court, I realized how much I miss being a kid. I haven't drawn with chalk like that in the longest time and it really brought me back to those childhood memories. I remembered I used to do a lot of hopscotch and I had this huge urge to draw a big one on the court, but couldn't because there wasn't enough space. It was so nice back then. Like a facebook bumper sticker once said, "I miss being a kid, the only drama was when someone stole your crayons."
Our beautiful masterpiece stayed on the court for about a week. It finally rained today in Fredonia, so it was sad to pass by and not see our chalk on the court anymore. I'm sure the guys are happy about it, but I really wanted to see it stay there for a longer time... Oh well, I'm sure Christina and I will pick another day to chalk up the basketball court!
So, there's this tiny basketball court located behind my dorm building. Guys are seen playing on it all the time, and I pass by it ALL the time. Every single time me and Christina walk that way, we always say that we need to chalk it up. Just so you guys know, Christina is a five year old at heart. She brought her chalk, crayons, and Hello Kitty coloring books to college. I love her. Best friend at college-- definitely! Anyway. We told ourselves that we were going to chalk it up for about a week. Then finally, we pinky sweared on it. We picked a pretty nice day to draw on the court. Making sure no one was there, we skipped our way over there. Chalk in one hand, cigarette in the other, we were so excited to start drawing! Christina picked her spot and started drawing flowers. I attempted to draw this little tattoo design I always drew in my notes that also consisted of a bunch of flowers and squiggly lines. While we drew, we both knew people were staring at us. Some probably thought that we were complete idiots, while some actually joined us! My friend Mike came to meet us and picked a spot of his own for some graffiti work. He got really into it, shading and blending in the colors. He's an art major, if you didn't know already. More and more people joined, the court was looking great! I ended up drawing a bunch of flowers and swirls, an apple tree with pink apples, and a sun. The sun was probably my favorite because I learned from the art major and actually blended in the colors to make a really pretty sun. I was very proud of myself.
The whole time sitting on that court, I realized how much I miss being a kid. I haven't drawn with chalk like that in the longest time and it really brought me back to those childhood memories. I remembered I used to do a lot of hopscotch and I had this huge urge to draw a big one on the court, but couldn't because there wasn't enough space. It was so nice back then. Like a facebook bumper sticker once said, "I miss being a kid, the only drama was when someone stole your crayons."
Our beautiful masterpiece stayed on the court for about a week. It finally rained today in Fredonia, so it was sad to pass by and not see our chalk on the court anymore. I'm sure the guys are happy about it, but I really wanted to see it stay there for a longer time... Oh well, I'm sure Christina and I will pick another day to chalk up the basketball court!
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